Our story is inspired by my puppy Flo.
Growing up with all types of animals including German Shepherd’s has moulded my love for our 4 legged friends. I am the person who stops owners in the street, rain, wind or snow to coo over their dogs…. I just can’t help myself I adore dogs!
After committing to my beautiful puppy Flo whilst working in the corporate world I realised my calling. Working up to 12 hours per day and juggling an energetic puppy was proving very difficult. This was when I had a brain wave “wouldn’t it be wonderful if Flo could spend her days playing with likeminded pups and she could be leading a true dog’s life”. Following this I spoke with friends, family and colleagues and could not believe how many people faced this same predicament.
With this in mind I embarked on my journey to open my own doggy day-care. The site for the day care would be crucial, close to the city but has to have outside space. I sought the help of Safe Paws and underwent their training course where they taught me everything there is to know in what’s required at doggy day care. This included managing large dogs, pack dynamics and dog training in packs. Most importantly I was able to spend an extensive amount of time working with their dogs and gaining hands on experience which has been invaluable. I have also studied animal psychology helping me ensure my pack is always content and happy having fun in our daycare centre.
After this amazing journey I opened my very own doggy day care. Flo has brought me so much joy that I hope Dog Days can help others in my situation experience the same happiness my puppy has brought me.
Robin Chalmers